Internet Sales Policy

MAP Pricing

Shargo provides minimum advertised pricing (MAP) on its price lists. Any Internet Seller providing media with advertising directed at consumers must comply with this Internet Sales Policy and list MAP on its media for all Shargo Professional products to be eligible for listing as an Approved Internet Seller. Listing prices below the MAP is considered a violation of this Internet Sales policy.

MAP will be provided the following benefits:

  • Websites that adhere to MAP pricing on their sites will be classified as an Approved Internet Seller of Shargo products.

  • Any Shargo product sold by an Approved Internet Seller will be fully warranted and supported by Shargo as specified under the applicable product warranty. In recognition of Approved Internet Sellers of Shargo products, Shargo will provide a prominent link on its home page of Approved Internet Sellers. This page will list Approved Internet Sellers, and provide a link to their website.An Approved Internet Seller logo will also be provided for display on the seller’s website.

  • Approved Internet Sellers will be allowed to use Shargo’s trademarks and intellectual property, including Shargo’s logo, product trade-names, photographs, illustrations and other Shargo images.

  • Suppliers to internet websites shall inform and assist any such website they supply Shargo products to be MAP compliant.

Intellectual Property

Approved Internet Sellers may use Shargo trademarks and trade names in listing products on their website, however:

  • All websites advertising Shargo products and using Shargo trade names must comply with current MAP pricing.

  • All websites displaying Shargo or Sierra Grates name or logo must ensure they are using the correct names and logos. Shargo and its brand logos can be downloaded from our website . Here


Shargo provides warranties based on whether a proper sales channel is used and whether a proper installation channel is used. Warnings regarding warranty applicability may appear on product labeling, installation instructions, notices, and on our website,

  • Any Shargo product sold by a non-approved website will not be warranted.

  • Any customer that has bought a product from a non-approved website will not be given technical assistance or support from Shargo.

  • Any website not compliant with this Internet Sales Policy shall not use Shargo’s trademarked and registered properties, and will be notified to remove them immediately. Shargo reserves the right to enforce its intellectual property rights against entities not in compliance with this Internet Sales Policy.